Monday, March 16, 2009

Preparing for the Future, ???

Yesterday as I was talking to some friends about the Bible and being prepared for the future and what ever comes our way. One lady said, well, I am not stocking up..we buy what we need that week and we go on. She said the Bible teaches us that God will provide for us. Then she said, and if my family is starving, I would just come and take it from people like you. People that are stocking up. Even though I didn't say anything, I thought....Well, you will find a gun or one angry momma that won't let you......(Besides that, I would share, you don't have to take anything from me, I will share if I have it)....I got home and I continued thinking about what she said...And, she is right...People would do that. I would do that, if my 4 babies were starving. I would ask, beg, and if have to steal to keep my children alive and going and not suffering. But, and this is a BIG BUT, I don't have too. Because God has given me the resources and the know how on how to prepare for my family. And, how to prepare for what ever comes our way. I am not hoarding, I only keep what I think will get us through a hard time. I would love to have enough to get us through a year. I don't have it, but I am working towards it. But, at the same time, if someone came to me and was hungry, I am going to feed them and take care of them. If a friend has fallen on hard times and has no food, or clothes, or even seeds for a garden, I will be here sharing what God has let me collect just for that purpose. The purpose of taking care of others, whether that be a stranger of my children. I have wanted to write a blog about this for so long, I didn't know what to say or rather how to say it. Because I do know how I feel and I do know that what I am doing is not wrong. I prayed really hard last night, asked God to let me know what to say or how to say it. And, believe me I still have a lot to say. But, this has helped me start telling you and has helped me get it off my chest a bit.
Okay, I am preparing for our future, we never know what is going to happen. Heck, my husband could loose his job tomorrow. But, I AM PREPARED! My family will have food and will be able to make it. There should be a balance between hoarding and living in the moment while preparing the future, and I do believe I have it.

I have to go and plant some stuff in my garden...but, I wanted to leave you with this (and, yes I am cutting and pasting this from a website my friend sent me. I have so much more to say and I will say it.) This came from this web page....PAGE

V. Is Any of This Really Necessary? What Are The Chances….?

1. Bible history tells us to prepare

2. Church history tells us to prepare

3. Recent history tells us to prepare- Frontier churches, Revolutionary War, Civil War, WW1 and WW2

4. Current history tells us to prepare- Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, etc.; California earthquakes and wild fires; Los Angeles riots; oppression of the church in various other countries.

5. World political and economic situation tells us to prepare.

6. Common sense tells us to prepare

He has lots to say, maybe check it out.

Now, I am going....I will continue to pray about this. Off to plants some beets, radishes, dandelions and turnip greens.


Wilderness Mama said...

LOL! I cannot believe she said that! How rude! I can learn a lot from you. I already have learned some, but you're a pro! Wow, it would take me forever to stock up on a year's worth of food.

nikki101076 said...

That lady was rude.I know I have heard a lot of end times people joke about not buying green bananas b/c the might get taken to heaven and the bananas would rot b/c they were waiting for them to ripen!

Anyways, I think knowledge and preparing are what we are suppose to have and do.I also have known of a lot of quiverfull families that buy extra food all the time b/c you never know when God is going to have someone come over and of course you never let them leave w/out eating first.

So you are on the right track. Prepare, do not hoard! When you hoard things they go to waste.Also if you do get extra make sure your always giving.God sees that service and you will be rewarded.Jesus said when we fed the hungry we are feeding Him.And when we cloth them we are clothing Him.Paraphrasing but you know the verse.

Let us know more when you have thought and prayed more on this.I like to talk about this issue also.